Deliola (deliola) wrote,

Парад слонов в Манхэттене

This year’s Elephant Walk will take place will be on Tuesday, March 18 into Wednesday March 19th, at midnight.
“If it’s March, it must be time for the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to come to town. And it must mean it’s time for the annual Elephant Walk, too! This year’s Elephant Walk will take place will be on Tuesday, March 18 into Wednesday March 19th, at midnight. The circus reaches New York City by way of train, stopping in Queens and head into Manhattan through the Queens-Midtown Tunnel for its stand at Madison Square Garden, so anywhere along 34th Street, between the tunnel and Manhattan Square Garden, is a spot where you can see the elephants. (The hardcore people sometimes convene around the exit at 35th Street and 2nd Avenue.)” - Gothamist
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